Episode 13 - Sunday August 15, 7pm - Facebook Live

The Sunday Night Smile is brought to you by the Emma Munson Foundation as a way to keep us connected and celebrate life around us. Think of it like a video newsletter that will highlight good things happening in our world, celebrate music and art and help promote our helping to take care of others.

Oh, and a way to give us all another smile.

Special Thanks to the following for helping to make Episode 13 possible:

Drew Martier and Dan Burda for once again joining us from the Back Porch to bring LIVE music into our lives - you both continue to blow us away! Thanks too to Kim Kittle for adding her ASL Signing to the night - well done! We LOVE you guys!

Doreen Martier-Solomon for driving the "Small Business Is Huge" feature since kicking Mike off screen. We love your passion for promoting these businesses and reminding us why we should all THINK before we rush to the big box store or website when we need something. You really show us why #SmallBusinessIsHuge

Dr Jane Goodall - citizen of this planet and champion for Mother Earth. Very inspiring words that we hope to leverage as we try to do our part as a foundation to lead our followers towards the little things they we can all do individually. It's not too late

Thanks to the Internet for the videos that we used to help make us all feel the emotions of the human condition, you can find the original videos that we used at these links:
Dr Jane Goodall - Mother Earth

If you like what you saw (or didn't and want to help give us feedback) - please leave comments on Facebook/Instagram or email us at info@EmmaMunsonFoundation.com - we'd love to hear from you.

...and we plan to return for EP14 on September 19th to share some smiles and more LIVE Music with you all!

Much Love to you all!

Denise & Michael Munson